Basement Hideout

Over the last 50 years there has been millions of musicians creating millions of albums many of which never actually made it out to the masses. Often times the few copies that did get released end up in the basement of local thrift and record stores never to be heard again. In some cases that's a good thing but, whoever made that music did so because they wanted to share it with people. I want to give some of those artists a second chance. I hope you will enjoy what I post on this blog for what it is.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Female Animal...I like!

This OST is awesome. After snaggin they vinyl version for a pretty pennyI found out you can get it for about $2o dollars on CD here. As for the original vinyl release on Canyon Records, well, I'm not even sure there ever was an official release so if you have more info please share!
I will say this album is going to be better appreciated by the seasoned OST junkie. It has the standard bossa/lounge jazz vibe which was characterisitc to the majority of these types of films however this particular soundtrack seems to flow a bit better. There is definetly some groovy surprises along the way. I got sucked into it pretty easily while transfering it to my computer and have bee listening to it while surfin the web. Great background music. Anyway...enjoy!
You can check out the steamy trailer here
Get the goods below:)

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